Orange Agate Segment Clock

Now this one is different! This one has a fancy toggle button on top. When pressed, it plays music through two speakers in the bottom of the clock. It's powered by a Raspberry Pi Zero W + stereo "bonnet". This allows for a little flexibility to change the music that is played whenever the button is pressed. However, since my daughter listens to one song on repeat all night long, I've considered replacing the Pi with a Particle Photon + an OGG/MP3 board so I can use the Pi for something else.
What you can't see unless you know exactly where to look is the edge-jointed panels. To fit the speakers, I had to make the clock deeper than the turning blank this wood started out as, so I had to edge joint two ΒΌ" panels together. It came out (nearly) flawless! Is it just me, or does orange agate smell like some kind of soap when worked?
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